Audio Systems for Educational Establishments.
Schools, colleges and universities will always have a need for public address system to keep staff and pupils informed and updated. Traditionally, audio systems were primarily used in school halls and theatres for assemblies and school productions, however in more recent years public address systems have evolved to provide zoned areas for classrooms, wings, corridors, lunch areas, gymnasiums, student workshops and even external sports areas.
A schools Public Address system is generally designed to allow voice messages to be conveyed quickly and efficiently across a site. This will include anything from the need to get a message to a member of staff or to have a pupil or class to report to a certain location. A schools Public Address system should also be able to immediately raise an alarm in the event of a potential emergency situation.
If a school, college or university should face an intruder threat or an equally serious emergency, staff need a simple and automated emergency protocol to raise the alarm or initiate a school lockdown. Todays multi-function public address systems are the perfect solution when looking to achieving this, whilst adding other useful, value added functionality, including:
- Lesson change notification
- Different alert tones for lunch-time and breaks
- Pre-recorded voice alarms and audio alerts
- Integration with fire alarm systems
- Single zone and multi-zone messaging
- Background music broadcasting
- Commentary for sports days, theatre productions and award ceremonies.
With new Voice Over IP (VOIP) and wireless speaker technology, we can make use of schools and colleges existing WiFi and IT networks to reduce the requirement for extensive speaker cabling, which means minimum disruption for your educational facility on installation. Sending audio using these new IP addressable products makes it possible to link remote buildings together to work seamlessly as one communications system.